FAQ - Failed Withdrawal

Created:2021-11-02    Updated:2022-07-27

1. A failed transaction may freeze your balance temporarily; to unfreeze, please withdraw again. (Froze time will not exceed 24 hours).

2. Successful withdrawal in DxPool with no available balance in Exchange or your wallet; search your transaction TXID in the corresponding explorer to further determine one the situation. Here are some examples on some major block explorers:

Find your TXID here (withdrawal records): https://www.dxpool.com/wallet/index

For KDA explorer: https://explorer.chainweb.com/:

If the following page pops out, it means the payment went through;

For Siacoin Explorer:https://siastats.info/

If the following page pops out, it means the payment went through;

For Dero Explorer: https://explorer.dero.io/

If this page pops out, it means the payment went through;

Dero explorer does not provide as much information as other block explorers due to its anonymity; same as XMR.


For HNS Explorer: https://e.hnsfans.com/

If the following page pops out, it means the payment went through;